Nerd Nite Day 2024 was better than I could have hoped. I am so grateful to our phenomenal speakers and I am so overwhelmed with joy every time I look at this beautiful community that all of us have built together. 

We have not only come together for monthly events, we have also been able to buy books for our daycare centers, support our local businesses, and provide services for non-profits.

Thank you Orlando for 11 wonderful years of Nerd Nite.

As we move forward, I hope you will continue with us on this journey.

For years, folks have asked how we can bring Nerd Nite to younger people. Although Nerd Nite is open to everyone, it is most certainly an adult event. However, now thanks to the leadership of a brilliant young leader named Katie (who many of you met at Nerd Nite last week) we are planning a special Nerd Nite event for young adults with all teenage speakers called NERD NITE NEXT GEN

I have had the great privilege of mentoring Katie as she navigates this process and I’m so proud of the work that she’s done thus far.

One thing I learned from my parents is that children must have all the support and resources they need and it’s our job as adults to make sure they get them. 

Make a donation to Nerd Nite and help us continue the work we do and support our new project.

-Ricardo Williams, 3-14-24